몽실 - 두루뭉술한 하루의 기록, 하루한장 명언 글귀

by 몽실스튜디오



Mongsil is an emotional diary app that can honestly record your feelings of the day.A variety of emotions and a timeline are provided so that anyone who has had a good day or who has gone through a turbulent day can freely use it.How are you feeling today?Since you need to record emotions that change several times a day, Mongsil provides 15 emotions (happiness, joy, satisfaction, normal, tiredness, embarrassment, boredom, anger, displeasure, disappointment, anxiety, depression, sadness, surprise, loneliness). . Whenever your emotions change, run the app to record your emotions.Difficulty writing a diary?Once a day, we provide a good image to use as a wallpaper along with carefully selected quotes that motivate you to increase your success and self-esteem. Read the quotes from day to day and honestly enter your feelings from those quotes, then compare your feelings that have changed over a week, month, or year. To help you become a more positive person through the dream, that is why we develop and serve the dream.Mongsil service information-We deliver positive quotes through the alarm function at the desired time every day.-By recording your emotions on the calendar, you can display emotion statistics for the past day.-You can see the emotion timeline of the day at a glance by recording emotions by desired time.-You can check back at any time by scraping your favorite quotes or wallpapers.# Please use it with confidence because the written text is only saved on your personal device and is not saved on the external (server).# As the first service is open, various functions necessary for the service such as dark mode, backup function, password setting, and advertisement removal function will be updated in the future.# To protect your writing, the backup functions such as cloud storage & PDF storage will be updated soon, so please do not worry.Inquiries: [email protected]